If you're like most people, when you think about buying a car, the first thing that comes to mind is test driving the latest and greatest models at your local dealership. Unfortunately, that could often dig a deep hole in your pocket.
But what if we told you there were other options?
Demo cars are vehicles that have been used as demonstration models by dealerships, and they can be a great alternative to new cars. Usually, demo cars are just a few years (or months) old and have been driven very few miles. In addition, they're usually heavily discounted compared to their new counterparts. So if you're looking for a great deal on a car, check out some of these hidden gems!
What is a Demo Car?
Dealerships offer potential buyers the opportunity to test drive the model of the car they intend to purchase. Such a car is known as a “Demo car” or “Demonstrator vehicle”.
Demo cars are also placed in the showroom of dealerships to enable customers to experience the car in and out.
Sales executives and other officials of the dealership are usually encouraged to take demo cars for a spin to get a hang of the product they are selling.
When Do Dealerships Sell Demo Cars?
Dealerships put up Demo cars for sale in the following circumstances:
a. If a next-generation model of the vehicle is launched
b. If an existing variant is given a facelift or undergoes minor changes
c. Premium car brands instruct dealerships to mandatorily replace Demo cars with new ones at regular intervals of 3-6 months
It is quite hard to get hold of a demo car, as dealerships do not sell them frequently. You can, however, keep an eye out for the above situations if you are looking to buy a new car fully loaded with premium features at a reasonable price tag.
Is it Worth Buying a Demo Car?
Buying the right demo car at the right time is highly beneficial. You can save money and purchase a car in new condition packed with premium features. Dealers usually maintain demo cars well, despite the vehicle having a few kilometers on the odometer. All of these make demo cars a great bargain.
What are the Benefits of Buying a Demo Car?
1. Cheaper Price for a New Car
The only way to buy a brand new car for a lesser price than what the showrooms sell them at is by buying a demo car. Demo cars are unregistered cars that dealerships use and let go in sometime. Hence, you will be registered as the first owner of the car.
2. Well-Maintained
Dealerships make sure to maintain demo cars in near-new condition. It is very unlikely for them to display cars with visible damage. Buying a demo car simply translates to buying a near brand new car that has been maintained with maximum care and conditioning, only at a lesser price.
3. Better Alternative for Used Cars
When compared, used cars are driven more than demo cars. Second-hand cars have a higher number of kilometers on the odometer than the demo car. When taking into consideration the price you will be paying for a demo car, it is very profitable.
4. Top-Spec Variants
The example of a particular model of a car is usually one that has the top-class specifications in that line of cars. The basic model of the car might not have those specifications, advanced features, or new accessories such as leather seats, tinted windows, sunroof, etc. Picking a demo car to buy is an ideal choice if you are someone that finds having the best specifications in your car. It is only more prudent to buy such a car packed with top specifications and added accessories at a lower price than the retail price.
5. Refurbished Cars
Dealerships make sure to refurbish demo cars before putting them up for sale. This process ensures that no signs of the previous usage are left on the car. All efforts are taken to make them look and feel brand new. Buying a refurbished car is an assurance of its new condition.
6. Extended Warranty
Dealerships insure the demo cars they sell, thus providing an extended warranty to the customers. While some offer this complimentary and others offer it on payment, you can 7. negotiate to get it as part of the deal.
7. Ready to Drive Away
Most of the time when you purchase a brand new car, you will have to wait for your vehicle to be delivered by the supplier. By buying a demo car you cut the waiting period short. One of the most advantageous factors of purchasing a demo car is that they are kept ready to be taken home. You can drive the car away instantly after you have paid for it.
What are a Few Things To Check While Buying a Demo Car?
Though it is almost certain that your dealer will perform a proper revamp treatment of the demo car, it is wise to scan the whole car for any damages or imperfections. A few things to look for include:
● The condition of the engine
● Any damages in the underneath of the car
● Bent chassis
● Inspecting any repairs done on the car
● The look, quality, and condition of the body paint
● Any scratches and dents on the body of the car
● The quality, condition, and damage or stains on the interior fabrics
● The plastic bits, their fit, and functioning
Ensure that you receive a satisfactory warranty on the car and negotiate to reach a reasonable price. Make sure you take your time before making the purchase decision.
Purchasing a demo car means all of these things — being the first owner of a car that is in new condition, is loaded with top specifications, has add-ons like premium features, leather seats, sunroofs, tinted windows, etc. And the best part - it is priced lower than the Maximum Retail Price to incentivize purchase.
While it can save you a lot of money, make sure to examine the car and have a pre-purchase inspection done by hiring a mechanic. Alternatively, you can trust Gurudev Motors to live upto your expectations!